
China is Proving to be Green

China Expo 2010

If there ever was concern about the kind of policies that China follows or what their belief systems are about the environment and the earth, they can rest at ease because the country is spending more money than can be imagined to host the most expensive world Expo that has ever been held,  the 2010 Shanghai Expo. This is not just any ordinary Expo, but it is one that has the theme of sustainable development, in a large sense,  as different countries and organizations have been invited from around the world to showcase whatever their latest Green and environmentally friendly technology is.  There are an estimated hundred and ninety countries who are already a part of this showcase. This kind of  Expo, is organized in such a huge manner and with the participation of so many nations, that it proves now the global standing and position of China as a powerful nation.  Maybe we can start believing that this  nation is also a concerned one?
This Expo has already begun as it was inaugurated with a lot of pomp and show that included:  fireworks and thousands of musicians and dancers and performers from around the world, at the end of April; however the most expensive Expo (also the largest multi media event ever o be organized) will also continue till the end of October, giving enough time for all the showcasing, and perhaps enough time to prove their point. The Expo has also been given a slogan: “Better City, better life”;  which speaks well for the country; with all the celebrations that have been demonstrated already at the event in the initial few days. One can hardly wait to see what else they might add to the event.