
Dynamics AX Openness to Programming World in Version 2012 and Feasible Directions

No programming of a win-lose situation can ever work. If you work out win-win situations, you will always have great success in all your programming activities ; sessions.

So always bear in mind that you must create win-win situations – situations where you win ; the other parties also win!!!

– Supra-Conscious – Super-Conscious – Conscious ; – Sub-Conscious

Subjective Programming – How to Program the Mind Subjectively

There is noticeable shift in the new version to open AX metadata to Microsoft Visual Studio. ;If you are in next Corporate ERP selection phase or if you are thinking about its integration with external application and you a not programmer, this small publication might give you some highlights:

Market Target and Flexibility. ;AX is not for small company. Comparing to other Microsoft Dynamics ERP applications. ;Let’s take a look at Dynamics GP or former Great Plains. ;If you would like to introduce custom form or table – Dexterity programming is likely the way. Comparing to SAP Business One. ;Here you can create custom table or add custom fields to existing table (or expand the table) directly in user interface. Expanding Internationally. ;Those days we were engaged in the project sponsored by Microsoft in Sao Paulo Brazil to translate Great Plains version 7.5 to Brazilian Portuguese with some localization features. SAP Business One. ;In some sense this small business ERP package covers the lack of small business accounting application offer from MBS in such countries as Brazil, Russia, China. ;In the case of AX the concern is rather implementation cost.