The overall concept of web-programming is based upon the creative of web-video campaign. The whole internet marketing methodology gets a new dimension after practicing this new idea. In fact, it has pushed the whole idea one step further.
Now, it seems as if the web is going to fill the vacuum which has been generated by the network broadcasters, but still a many questions are unanswered. For instance, how can someone experience advantage of the opportunities provided by web programming?
Basic aspects of web programming (in contemporary society)
• A very famous author, ‘James E. Aisner’ quoted in his article ‘More Than A Name: The Role of Brands in People’s Lives’ that there are approximately fifteen types of consumer and brand relationship. The ultimate aim of Web-programming marketing initiative is to find, and promote the most appropriate and beneficial brand relationship.
• Such relationship is being strengthened by various things but newly introduced concept of infotainment is prominently prevailing even on web pages. It is the smart amalgamation of information and entertainment. Hence, evening news is gaining more popularity than a hard news and similar advantages have TV channels like discovery, history, geographic channel and so on.
• Certainly, websites are now not only restricted to online brochures or catalogs. We have become more demanding from our website and hence incorporated audio, video, animation and lot more other interesting stuffs.
With the support of all above mentioned points we can definitely draw a line about Web-programming. We can recognize it as a marketing campaign which includes series of episodic Web-videos tied together by plotline and character development. We can also refer it as an ongoing initiative that smartly knits marketing stuffs into its storyline.
It is true that the whole process of web programming may require bit more amount of money. But, it would be unfair to expect instant return. We must remember that web programming is also an integral part of marketing and hence, it is all about brand relationship with the potential customer. A successful web programming campaign includes four essential elements as famous author, producer, screenwriter, and lecturer, ‘Syd Fiels’ mentioned in his book “The Screenwriter’s Workbook” viz. need identification, point-of-view, attitude, and transformation.
Technical aspects of web programming
Web development is another important aspect of web programming. It flourished since the mid 1990s. As per experts’ estimation, it would grow approximately with the rate of 20% by 2010. Easy accessibility of web development tools has also promoted the concept of web programming in its new form. For instance, LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is available free of cost. Another immensely popular sample is WYSIWYG web development software that includes Adobe Dreamweaver or Microsoft Expression Studio (formerly Microsoft Frontpage).
Easy accessibility of software and web development tool is probably not enough and hence only 20% growth rate has been expected. Otherwise it must be something substantial like 50-100%. So, the thing is lacking, knowledge of HyperText Markup Language (HTML), or other programming languages.
Effective web programming is always focused upon the needs, requirements and wishes of web surfers. Thus ultimate aim of webmaster and the web programming is to create effective ad campaign, banner and animation; to make the site attractive and user friendly to draw huge traffic inflow towards the site moreover, to generate baseness through that traffic inflow.
Ideally, programming features like REST capability and stateless pages are well suited for web development. But, it makes the whole process of web development more complicated and hence it becomes the big hurdle.
Technologies have certainly made our life easier but perhaps it is not true for web programmers/developers/designers/masters. Smooth navigation and user friendly features in websites need programming of extra codes. Such complexities are simply frightening for beginners.
Thus, Web programming is an immaculate tool for designing and development of making of highly creative and effective websites. The tools and language used in web programming enhance quality and beauty of the site right from the top to bottom, and inside to outside as well.