If you are wanting to get your own website online but aren’t sure where to start, then here are a few tips you might want to consider.
First of all, you need to decide exactly what you want the website for and how long you intend to keep it.
If you just want a website for personal use such as a site to put pictures and information on to keep your family and friends up to date, you may just want to start a free blog at a place like blogger.com. But if you want a website that you can give the look and feel you want it to have and that you can put things on that other people can download, or if you want to start an online business to sell products then you will need your own domain name and website hosting account.
Getting a domain name usually costs around $10 a year and then you need to set up an account with a hosting provider to get your website online and that is where you have a lot of choices.
Godaddy will host your website for about $6.29 a month, Hostmonster is about $6.95 and Bluehost is around $6.95 a month, but to get these prices you will need to pay for 2 years in advance with no chance of a refund for any reason, so make sure you know what you want before you jump in.
Now, a very important thing that you should think about before you do anything else is the domain name. A lot of people use their own name such as jimdandy.com or billclinton.com, but if you are wanting to get traffic from the search engines, then choosing your domain name wisely is the first part of SEO (search engine optimization).
A domain name related to the keyword or keyword phrase that you want to target will get you a better search engine ranking.
For example, if you want people to find your website when they type in a search for the keyword phrase “cheap website hosting” then you would want a domain name such as cheapwebsitehosting.com, or cheap-website-hosting.com.
Once you get your domain name picked out it’s time to look for a hosting provider.
There are some places that will host your domain for free, but it would not be a top level domain so I would not advise that. In other words, instead of looking like “www.cheapwebsitehosting.com” it might look like “www.cheapwebsitehosting.freehostingsite.com”.
There are also hosting providers that will pay you a commission if you get other people to sign up such as Global Domains International. They cost only $10 a month, throw the domain name in free and then they will pay you a $100 bonus for every 5 people you get signed up in one week, and they will also pay $1 a month for everyone that signs up under you down to five levels deep.
That means if you got one person to sign up for a website hosting account with GDI and that one person got 10 people to sign up under them, that would be eleven people in your downline and you would get paid $11 a month. And it continues down to your fifth level.
You only pay GDI $10 a month, and if you signed up 5 people on your first level, and they each signed up 5 and so on down to your fifth level, you would be making $3,905.00 a month. That’s pretty sweet considering you only wanted a website hosting account to begin with and were willing to pay to have it.
There are also many other choices out there, some pay commissions and some don’t.
The important thing is to do your research before committing, because like I said, some of the hosting providers will charge you for 2 years up front and that is non refundable.